This pond, built in 1884 as an agricultural reservoir, has long been associated with various ghostly rumors. Due to actual reports of deaths occurring here, locals regard it as a place to avoid.

While seeing ghosts isn’t guaranteed, traces of past curses can still be found at this site.nterestingly, the anime Jujutsu Kaisen, which is popular in 2024, features a heroine named Nobara Kugisaki, who uses nails to curse her enemies. There is a real Japanese curse known as Ushi no Koku Mairi that similarly involves the use of nails.

What is Ushi no Koku Mairi?

Ushi no Koku Mairi is an ancient curse ritual performed between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. The person conducting the ritual wears a white robe and nails a straw doll representing their target to a sacred tree in a shrine. The ritual must be carried out for seven consecutive nights. If witnessed, the ritual fails, but if completed, the target is said to die.

The Tree with Embedded Nails

Next to the pond, there is a tree with several five-inch nails and sharp blades embedded in its trunk.

This is the tree shown in the photo. While the straw dolls decay and disappear over time, the iron nails remain as evidence of these rituals.

Ghost Stories of the Pond

  • A bloodstained woman peers from between the trees.
  • A bloodstained woman stands on the surface of the pond.
  • The sound of children playing can be heard, but no one can be seen.

These are some of the stories associated with the pond. There have been accounts of suicides here, and flowers have been left at the base of the tree with the nails. Given this, it’s no surprise that ghosts are believed to haunt the area.

The Pond Today

As mentioned above, this pond has been the source of many eerie tales. However, since its construction in 1884, it has been a vital source of water for the surrounding rice fields, aiding in rice production. Bodies of water, essential to life yet sometimes taking it, have long been considered sacred places. This pond is no exception.

It is something we should continue to preserve for the future.